Introduction to The Journey of Resilience

In the quiet hours of the night, when the world sleeps and dreams weave delicate patterns in the tapestry of the universe, I sit alone with the fragments of my heart. This is the beginning of my story—a story etched in the silent spaces between laughter and tears, a narrative that unfolds the delicate dance of grief, hope, and the resilient spirit of a mother.

  • I took a Shower today:

    I took a shower today… hmm did that grab your attention 🙂 here we go letting my vulnerabilities out again. You see the simple task of a morning shower, getting ready for your day is a task for a lot of people, not just grieving parents. Many people whether facing addiction, depression, bad relationships the […]

  • I’m not ashamed of my depression or grief!!! finally getting help….

    Every year I tell myself, this is going to be a better year and although I did get some things accomplished and I am proud of them, I still struggled very much and that struggle was in silence. The very thing I advocate for the stigma, not wanting to impose on others I was doing…It’s […]

  • The Resilience of a 17 year old Sister

    So many emotions going through my head, I am going to be a grandma, as I look at my beautiful daughter who is going to become a Mother I look back at what it took for her to get here, she is starting a new journey that will change her life forever “in a good […]

  • I took a Shower today:

    I took a shower today… hmm did that grab your attention 🙂 here we go letting my vulnerabilities out again. You see the simple task of a morning shower, getting ready for your day is a task for a lot of people, not just grieving parents. Many people whether facing addiction, depression, bad relationships the…

  • I’m not ashamed of my depression or grief!!! finally getting help….

    Every year I tell myself, this is going to be a better year and although I did get some things accomplished and I am proud of them, I still struggled very much and that struggle was in silence. The very thing I advocate for the stigma, not wanting to impose on others I was doing…It’s…

  • The Resilience of a 17 year old Sister

    So many emotions going through my head, I am going to be a grandma, as I look at my beautiful daughter who is going to become a Mother I look back at what it took for her to get here, she is starting a new journey that will change her life forever “in a good…

  • Mother’s Bereaved Retreat Utah

    I didn’t know I needed to be with other Warrior Momma’s, I didn’t know that I needed time for me, I didn’t know I needed the love and attention. I thought I was doing ok for the past 9 years doing this grief stuff, doing this strong stuff…. I have been helping everyone else but…

Brutalism in Architecture express the essential qualities of a building’s materials and structure in an honest and direct way. Architectural style emerged in mid-20s, based in raw and unadorned use of concrete.

Named by the French term béton raw, or raw concrete, Brutalism became popular in the post-WWII era, when the need for affordable housing and public buildings led to widespread use of concrete.